Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I dont do tags ..

The instructions are to answer every question with an answer of three words. No more, no less.

1. Where is your cell phone? - next to me
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? – does not exist
3. Hair? unbrushed and damp
4. Your mother? called just now
5. Your father? is very busy
6. Your favorite item(s)? laptop, kajol, ipod
7. Your dream last night? was quite scary
8. Your favorite drink? ice cold coke
9. Your dream guy/girl? please hurry up
10. The room you are in? my very own
11. Your fear? the hell fire
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? not quite sure
13. Who did you hang out with last night? all the family
14. What are you not? sure of direction
15. Are you in love? not at all
16. One of your wish list items? to go back
17. What time is it? six twenty three
18. The last thing you did? took a breath
19. What are you wearing? vest and pants
20. Your favorite book? check my profile
21. The last thing you ate? sandwich at granmothers
22. Your life? dont ask now!
23. Your mood? out of sync
24. Your friends? i miss you
25. What are you thinking about right now? nothing in particular
26. What are you doing at this moment? this question list
27. Your summer? was hot here
28. Your relationship status? null and void.
29. What is on your TV screen? i cant see
30. When is the last time you laughed? earlier on today

I tag …

Hamish Hoosain

And seeing as tho. its the tag thing ... let me do the 5 things you dont know about me.. well considering that i dont know many of you.. il just say random things and they will be unknown :P

1. I wanted to be a doctor once.. now i have a BSc in Physiology and Psychology that i dont know what i plan on doing with.

2. When I was 13yrs i worked at the Spur as Chico-the-clown.. it was my first job!! i never tell anyone that!!

3. I think im an irc addict.. i mean i know i was one..but i think iv relapsed.. and not to mention that i used to be a phone addict..but im cured.. or lets just say good conversation became extinct

4. I miss the UK terribly.. and cry about it sometimes

5. Iv never had a boyfriend.. like a proper one.. or even a playtoy one.


Anonymous said...

hehe...I already posted this on Ruby's blog :/

Pseudo_Name said...

lol.. thanks SG. i knu that last one would get some good comments!!
nah.. neva.. :/

Anonymous said...


Can people stop tagging me please, this feels like primary school again when I got tagged because I had the slowest acceleration. Notice how I didnt say plump ball of phyical incapabilities?

Love and kisses,

Hamish HOOSEN Pillay

r said...


Anonymous said...

Plenty love and kisses,

Happy Birthday


Hasina Suliman said...

well. . .
i can't wear Kajol.
i always wind up rubbing my eyes, then i look like a racoon! :/

Ooooh @ chico the clown
that is so cool.
when i lived in dbn i used to see a clown driving to wk in a lil green chico! seriously! And i really really wanted a clown suit. worse? i wanna learn how to make balloon animals :D hehe, i love balloons.

SingleGuy said...

I may have missed it, but you know what they say, better late than never...

Happy Birthday pseudoname. May you have a prosperous year, and many many more...

The Single Guy

bb_aisha said...

I thght bout doin phys n psych,but then decided on phys n micro(im in my final yr) n am nw thinkin i shud hav done psych cos im nt goin to do anythin wif micro. Nothin wrong wif nt havin been in a relatnshp-we r unique :-)