Friday, April 13, 2007

my favourite t-shirt

Got it on sale at Urban Outfitters for like 1/4 the price :) twas 5pounds.

i luv smart-ass tshirts. once in highschool this guy had a blunt t-shirt on.. it said 'just done it' the face of a comic dude on the t-shirt had Nike tick as his mouth.. LOVED it!!

and those rip off t-shirts (what are they called?those that put a spin on brands like FNB etc) have their moments too.. not all of them are great..but some of them are hillarious!

i love commentry on clothing.. whats your favourite??


SingleGuy said...

rather crude is it you wear that in public?

r said...

LoL. i like it. id buy it. my parents would never let me leave the house with it though!

my guy friend has one that says Just dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians!

Anonymous said...

WHERE are you? i'm awake and no one else is.

Pseudo_Name said...

SG: not here.. too many aunties around and ppl i know :) in liberal london i did :

r.. glad ur on my wavelength.. with the previous post too..haha..

think im offending a few of late :/ oops?! not really!

hhp..i clocked in at 2:34am yesterday.. may be a late night tonight..

Nielfa Hanifa said...

those t-shirts you're talking about are by 'laugh it off.' they have some pretty crude t's but overall, they're rather funny. zeen's one is so appropriate (at times,) it says spastic ;)