Wednesday, April 18, 2007

another all nighter

*sigh* self inflicted torture (u know i spelt it torcher now :/ my brain doesn't work anymore).. i think that should be my middle name or last minute Jane :/ i dunno where 'jane' comes from.. ?
argh.. its 2:28 and im not half way thru an assignment due tomoro..or should i say later today.
u know i thort this year was going to be a breeze.. *sigh* its not so easy...well.. its easy enough if i manage my time.. which i have never been able to do. i always do things in my time.. and my time always seems to be overestimated.
anyways.. not gonna make this a long post.. gotsa go read some books and type some words.
im freezing cold sitting at the dining room table.. my toes are frozen despite the socks and my nose too.. and u know that feeling of an oncoming flu or cold... iv got that! oh did i mention i have a test tomoro too.. and nuh uh have i looked at my books/notes. it terrible.. but agh.. i gues i must, on a subconscious level or something *rolls eyes*, enjoy this torture of sleepless nights and rundown immune systems?? where is my mind at.. *sigh* thats all i can sigh..


Zaahir Essa said...

so why blog abt it? spend that time working or sleeping lol :)

Hasina Suliman said...

@ floyd
be nice :)
she's distracting herself

Pseudo_Name said...

cos its my blog and i can??
i was thinking about this.. do we blog to vent or blog to get comments? after your comment...umm..err.. i dnt blog for your comments. i blog cos i can. so go race a car or something :P
hope ur workload going ok too honey *fakesmile* ;)

Zaahir Essa said...

oh i wasnt critising :S we blog to vent for sure, but im just thinking.....i'd rather spend more time sleeping, as u already told me u staying up all nite working, etc :/