Saturday, June 30, 2007

facebook is my new fetish

yea..iv neglected this blogging thing.. oops?
actually im not really too concerned about it. i found a new novelty..facebook..
the entire universe is on there! initially i was not too interested cos it seemed pretty much like many of those millions of other profile adding,group starting, forum/discussion beggining sites..of which i have joined a million.. i gues this one is intriguing cos of the amount of people that are part of it.. like usually when u sign up its the usual internet crowd that irc chats, or is on ur msg that have joined..but here..its without an exaggeration.. someone from every circle of friends or family i have! from school (both high and primary) to university, to travel buddies.. well...its fun for now i gues.. so il enjoy it while it lasts. i have however decided to only accept people that i know in real i have met before. cos one has a tendancy to make or accept as friends people we dont know and just chat to online :/ im not gonna do that! to date i have accepted 2 people who i have not not hold on to them for now :) they nice anyway!

ok im out.. to do some facebook time wasting



Nielfa Hanifa said...

Internet Social Network Addict!

I'd say add me, but I'm not supposed to be on it :/ but add me anyway, I'l sneak a login to accept ;) miss ΓΌ!

ZK said...

lol i'm in hiding from FB and you guys are joinin hmmmm
i wonder why???!!!!

Anonymous said...

please accept me



i'll send you a mail with a big kiss

safiyyamk said...

its ok... ur not the only one with a new fetish neglecting blogs...
i blame zk for starting it... at first i was wondering what's the big deal and then u realise how many ppl u actually have lost contact with...

i just hate the occasional msgs and invites from ppl i dont know... its like the world wants to be friends with you....

bb_aisha said...

I agree, i only add ppl i know (but exceptions were made for hijabi girls and aishas who randomly added me:-) it's weird-i have a 'niqabi' pic up-and guys still invite me. I also resisted at first, thinking it will be like other social sites, but then joined when i realisd it isnt.

bb_aisha said...

come back to blogging:-)