Wednesday, May 09, 2007

marriage..the final one!

no..this post has nothing to do with me and marriage.. :) InshaAllah..such a post will grace this blog one day!! haha

its 23h48 and im about to start last of my assignments for this term!! topic is marriage!
shooh! its been a marathon run!

hope i get to sleep before 3am :/

Monday, May 07, 2007

Don’t you hate when you are misinterpreted? Either tone or meaning. Especially by people who do not know you very well. It’s quite annoying and infuriating to say the least. If you say something sarcastic or you say something in a joke and someone takes it literally or gets angry that is enough to make one angry too. cos u know what! they dont know you ! Argh…It’s annoying!

One other thing that’s annoying is that people never understand or get you the way you are... they always make interpretation of how it seems or comes across... so what am I meant to do? Act in a different way in order to be perceived in the way that I am?? Should my actions differ in order so that they are understood to mean what I mean when I act the way I do? Hmm not only one incident made me post….but this has been something that has always come up! So… do I not act friendly towards certain friends (usually guys) ‘cos they may think I mean this n that...when I don’t? - this has nothing to do with my ranting but thort id just add it cos its theme related :)

I was on a roll doing my bloody assignments now I’m pissed off! Argh I hate how ppl affect me!

Then u sms to say ‘sorry that’s not what I meant’ and they don’t reply !!!!!
I think I’m tired of considering other people! I’m done with it!

And yes this is directed(at you)and not general. I don’t care! I’m irritated ‘cos u irritated me and now I’m distracted and can’t get back to work!!! And no no1 knows who you are so you don’t have to put an apologetic comment here!

Let me get back to work!

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 *deepbreath* exhale*

and i dont even like southpark but this picture was cool